Meetup -Design Thinking Rhein Main – Slam Sessions

Design Thinking Frankfurt Meetup Slam Session

Design Thinking Slam Session

Share your favourite method, insights or next project

  • Montag, 13. Juni 2016 –  bis

    DB Lab
    Elbestrasse 52
    60329, Frankfurt

Experienced Design Thinkers share their:

  • preferred dt-methods
  • latest learnings
  • inspiration
  • current project
  • the next big thing

12 x 5 Minute slots to share your stuff. Keep it short and don’t forget to mention what you’d like to discuss with the community for the remaining evening. To reserve a slot send a notice to Christiane.

For a Guided Tour through d-lab meet Martin at 6.30 p.m. We will organize some snacks and drinks for the evening, so it might be good to have loose change with you.

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